Sunday, December 18, 2011

Abstrak Ekologi dan Lingkungan

wallahu a'lam ini abstrak benar atau ndak..Bunda sudah bingung banget
huhuhu..Bunda amatiran sih dalam hal yang kayak gini, semoga bisa dijadikan bahan pembelajaran untuk kedepannya.

The first location is in the vicinity area of the landfill (Final Disposal) Caringin with coordinates 06 ° 35'30, 8 "latitude and 107 ° 44'23, 9" BT. And two locations to be around the location penambakan crocodile, Village Blanakan with coordinates 06 ° 16'52, 8 "latitude and 107 ° 39'46, 8" BT.
ecology and environmental lab aims to understand and then explain the biotic and abiotic elements contained in the landfill Caringin ecosystems and estuarine crocodile breeding Blanakan, identify and explain the linkages between biotic and abiotic factors that occur in ecosystems in landfill Caringin and estuarine crocodile breeding Blanakan and identify with the physical and social factors explain that influence ecosystems in landfill Caringin and estuarine crocodile breeding Blanakan.
    TPA Caringin is a border area between the marine volcanic soil. Caringin landfill is the last place for all waste within the scope of Subang district in full, without any limit. Land of the former rice fields, but the government use the land fields into a Final Disposal (TPA).
    Dependence of all areas of the landfill Caringin Subang Regency makes TPA Caringin become the sole mainstay of all areas in Subang district because there is no other than this landfill. Addiction has become a problem for the local community at first. People who grow crops on their original activity, after the land bought by the government and used as a landfill, then there is no principal activities other than looking for trash that can still be used.
there is a huge risk to land in the village, contaminated soil, contaminated air, widespread disease outbreaks and catastrophic landslides occurred. Therefore the government should be alert and take the policy for the welfare mayarakatnya in this issue.

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